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10 print"Hello World!" 20 goto 10
submitted by: (Patrick Bronson)
Here's a Hello, World proggie in Atari Basic:
10 REM HELLO.BAS 20 POKE 764,255 30 PRINT "Hello World" 40 IF PEEK(764)=255 THEN GOTO 30
And why not let's use some of the cool sound and graphics features in the Atari, and available in Atari BASIC?
10 REM HELLOFX.BAS 15 REM Make sure we're in text mode: 20 GRAPHICS 0 25 REM Set the left and right margins 30 POKE 82,0:POKE 83,39 35 REM Clear last-key-pressed 40 POKE 764,255 45 REM Main Loop! 50 PRINT "Hello World!"; 55 REM Change the text luminence 60 SETCOLOR 1,0,RND(0)*16 65 REM Change the background color 70 SETCOLOR 2,RND(0)*16,0 75 REM Play some whistle-like sound 80 SOUND 0,PITCH,10,10 85 REM Make it sound echoey by 86 REM adding a second, off-pitch 87 REM a little quieter... 90 SOUND 1,PITCH+3,10,5 95 REM Change the pithc: 100 PITCH=PITCH+1 110 IF PITCH=250 THEN PITCH=0 115 REM Keep going til keypress... 120 IF PEEK(764)=255 THEN 50 125 REM Eat keypress... 130 POKE 764,255
previous two submitted by: William Kendrick (